
TravelCon Update! Here’s what is coming!

Travel Con, Austin TX, Sept 20-22

Hey everyone!

As you (may) know, I’m hosting a conference in September called TravelCon.

For a long time, I’ve dreamed of organizing a conference in conjunction with our Superstar Blogging program. Something that would take everything we have online and bring it to life. I want to bring our students, other travel bloggers, and industry experts together to learn, network, connect, and, overall, have a ton of fun! I love the web, but in-person events are 10x better for learning and networking. This is where you can make the most lasting connections and relationships.

TravelCon is a three-day conference in Austin, Texas from September 20th to 22nd, 2018. It will feature keynote speakers, workshops, networking events, writing sessions, photography walks, and opportunities to pitch yourself to brands and tourism boards. This is a conference for people who want more than free stuff. This is the conference for people who are looking to get serious about turning their blog into a business.

With beginner and advanced sessions, we have tracks and tips for people at all levels of success. At this conference, you’ll learn what is currently working right now and what you can do over the long term to create the career you desire. I believe the best conferences have people of varying skill levels so everyone can interact and learn from each other. For too long, travel media conferences have been only geared toward newbies. This conference is really about leveling up, no matter where you are in your blogging journey.

Today, is the last day for early, early bird tickets! The prices go up tomorrow! The early, early bird ticket price is only $249 USD. Your ticket includes lunch each day of the event, coffee and tea, all keynote speeches, networking events, workshops, breakout panels, evening parties, and whatever other cool activities we add later! Tomorrow, the price goes up $50 USD!

And we only have a 140 tickets left!

So if you’ve been waiting, don’t wait much longer!

You can get your ticket and reserve your spot by clicking here.


Here’s our awesome speaker list:

Kristin Addis

Be My Travel Muse

Lola Akinmade

Geotraveler Media

Gloria Atanmo

The Blog Abroad

Alex Baackes

Alex in Wanderland

Glory Ali

Muslim Travel Rock

Derek Baron

Wandering Earl

Nathan Barry


James Bradbury-Boyd

Singapore Airlines

Paul Brady

Condé Nast Traveler

Carol Cain

Girl Gone Travel

Liz Carlson

Young Adventuress

Edin Chavez

Shut Your Aperture

Chris Christensen

Amateur Traveler Podcast

Jason Cochran


Dave & Deb

The Planet D

Brian Dean


Torre DeRoche

Writer, Love With a
Chance of Drowning

Julia Dimon

Freelance Writer

Jodi Ettenberg

Legal Nomads

David Farley

Freelance Writer

Rachel Friedman

The Good Girls Guide to
Getting Lost

Pat Flynn

Smart Passive Income

Brendan Gahan

Epic Signal

Lebawit Lily Girma

Sunshine and Stilettos

Stephanie Griest

Writer, Around the Bloc

Adam Groffman

Travels of Adam

Matt Gross

Digital Director,
Runner’s World

Brice Gump

Major Impact Media

Pete & Dalene

Hecktic Travels

Dani Heinrich

Globetrotter Girls

Spud Hilton

The San Francisco Chronicle

Ryan Holiday

Writer, Ego is the Enemy

Rob Holmes

GLP Films

Clint Johnston


Steve Kamb

Nerd Fitness

Anna Karsten

Anna Everywhere

Matthew Karsten

Expert Vagabond

Peep Laja


Cory Lee

Curb Free with Cory Lee

Kristin Luna

Camels & Chocolate

Jaume Marin

Costa Brava Tourism

Liam Martin


Neville Medhora


Chris Mercer


Angkur Nagpal


Elena Nikolova

Muslim Travel Girl

Laurence Norah

Finding the Universe

Dan & Audrey

Uncornered Market

Stephen Oddo

Take Walks

Cailin O’Neil


Angie Orth

Angie Away

Sam Parr

The Hustle

Rolf Potts


Erick Prince

Minority Nomad

Mari Ramirez


Oneika Raymond

Oneika the Traveller

Kiersten Rich

The Blonde Abroad

Chris Richardson

Nomadic Matt

Annette Richmond

From Annette

Kristen Sarah

Hopscotch The Globe

Patricia Serrano

Fresh Traveler

Travis Sherry

Extra Pack of Peanuts

Claudi Sult

GreenMe Berlin

Thomas Swick

Writer, Unquiet Days

Nadine Sykora

Hey Nadine

Brent Underwood

Brass Check

Ryan Whaley

Greendoor Media

Ernest White II


Amanda Williams

A Dangerous Business

Siya Zarrabi

Good News from
Around the World

Big conferences can often seem impersonal, which is why we’re focusing on small discussions, panels, workshops, and mentor sessions. We want you to walk away with actionable advice. We want you to think, “Wow! I learned so much!” We’re going to have writing, tech, video, and photography workshops were people will edit your work, solve your tech issues, and help you improve your photos and videos. We don’t want people to feel lost in the crowd.

There’s plenty of room in the travel sphere for an event where media professionals and bloggers can go to learn and share the nuts and bolts of the business — the real, nitty-gritty stuff that separates people from the pack and allows them to build sustainable, profitable, and impactful online travel businesses.

So let’s do this!

– Matt

P.S. – If you want to be a sponsor of the event, we have a few slots for brands at our expo center! Email me at matt@nomadicmatt.com and let’s chat!

P.P.S. – Here’s the link to getting a ticket again! Can’t wait to see you there!

