
TravelCon Updates: Speakers, Sponsors, and More!

Travel Con, Austin TX, Sept 20-22
Hey everyone! I’m super-duper excited about TravelCon, our upcoming conference to teach people how to build sustainable careers in the travel industry. It’s going to be the biggest — and best — travel media event of the year! I have some exciting updates:

1. We’re sold out! I had to increase the number of tickets to 600, but we are now at our max capacity. I think it’s incredible that it took us less than two months to sell out the event! Who knew there was such demand for this thing? I was anxious about getting even a hundred people in the door, but the fact we have so many people coming is amazing.

But for those who weren’t able to get tickets, we’re working on solutions. First, I’m sure people will cancel. Plans can fall through, so we’re going to open ticket sales again in the coming months. Join our waitlist and get first dibs on tickets when they come out.

Second, we’re working on some sort of recording or livestream option for those who live in far off lands and can’t make it. It’s surprisingly difficult (and expensive), but we’re trying to come up with a solution. I hope to have better news on this front by the summer!

2. We’re almost done with our schedule (yay!), and I’m excited we added even more amazing names to our speaker list in the last month. (I’m excited about them all but really excited about Helen Russell. I loved her book, A Year of Living Danishly!)

Lola Akinmade

Geotraveler Media

James Bradbury-Boyd

Singapore Airlines

Paul Brady

Condé Nast Traveler

Edin Chavez

Shut Your Aperture

Julia Dimon

Freelance Writer

Lebawit Lily Girma

Sunshine and Stilettos

Stephanie Griest

Writer, Around the Bloc

Spud Hilton

The San Francisco Chronicle

Rob Holmes

GLP Films

Clint Johnston


Anna Karsten

Anna Everywhere

Matthew Karsten

Expert Vagabond

Peep Laja


Gary Leff

View From the Wing

Rolf Potts


Erick Prince

Minority Nomad

Helen Russell

The Year of Living Danishly

Patricia Serrano

Fresh Traveler

Claudi Sult

GreenMe Berlin

Thomas Swick

Writer, Unquiet Days

I’m excited to have so many wonderful people speaking at the event and sharing their advice, tips, and wisdom.

(For a full list, check out our speaker page!)

3. We’ve started to get some sponsors for the event. From tourism boards to tech companies to agencies, here’s who will be in attendance so far:

We also have four major tourism boards, a few PR firms, and some other companies confirmed but until those contracts get signed, I can’t put the logos up! But, needless to say, this list is growing! You’ll be able to meet with each company as we are going have scheduled appointment times on our last day!

(Psssst…..are you in the industry? Would you like to have your company at TravelCon and meeting with the best of the best in travel media? Contact me about sponsorships! We have a wide, wide range of opportunities to fit any of your needs.)

That’s it for now! Super excited to see you in September!

— Matt

