
Prince Harry and Meghan Markle Now Have Their Own Charity

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Dan Istitene/Getty Images

It’s official: Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have separated their own charity from Prince William and Kate Middleton.

In June, Harry and Meghan announced their plans to leave the foundation Harry started alongside William and Kate in 2009 so they could start their own.

At the time the palace shared in a statement, "Later this year The Royal Foundation will become the principal charitable and philanthropic vehicle for The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge.” It added, "The Duke and Duchess of Sussex will establish their own new charitable foundation with transitional operating support from The Royal Foundation. In addition, both couples will continue to work together on projects in the future, including on The Foundation's mental health program, Heads Together."

Now that plan is finally coming into fruition.

Royal reporter Emily Andrews obtained a photo of the company's registration certificate that showed the new charity will be named "Sussex Royal The Foundation of The Duke and Duchess of Sussex.” Though the name is certainly a mouthful it happens to be reminiscent of the couple’s Instagram account, @SussexRoyal, showing they’ve likely thought a great deal about the marketing.

The certificate also showed the pair registered the name just weeks after announcing their charitable split from the Cambridges.

But, that’s really all the information we know for now. A Buckingham Palace spokesperson told Business Insider, "there are no plans currently to release any further information about Sussex Royal."

However, it may be safe to assume that Meghan and Harry’s upcoming trip to Africa will have some tie to the charity. It’s also likely safe to assume that the charity will continue to support causes close to the couple, including conservation and mental health.

Though the royal couples have professionally split they still remain grateful for their time together. As a spokesman for the royal couples said in June, “The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and The Duke and Duchess of Sussex are incredibly proud of what they have achieved together through The Royal Foundation. They are especially proud to have established a charity that has had, and will continue to have, significant long-lasting impact, changing lives for the better."

