
10 Reasons Why I Love Thailand (And Why You Need to Visit)

11 Reasons Why I Love Thailand11 Reasons Why I Love ThailandUpdated: 8/5/2019 | August 5th, 2019

I’ve been to Thailand more times than I can count. I’ve lived in Bangkok twice, I’ve run tours through the country, and if I stay away for more than a year, I feel as if a piece of me is missing.

I love visiting Thailand.

It holds a special place in my heart.

People often ask me why I return to places I’ve already visited instead of exploring somewhere new. Well, that’s an easy answer: because I feel attached to them. I feel at home when I’m visiting them.

And Thailand is probably the one place outside of the U.S. where I feel most at home.

And why do I love Thailand so much?

Here are ten reasons why Thailand is one of the best countries in the world to visit – and what you can look forward to when you travel there:

1. The delicious food

delicious street food in Bangkok, Thailanddelicious street food in Bangkok, Thailand
When people say they like Thai food but haven’t been to Thailand, I can’t help but think, “You’ve never really experienced Thai food.” Thai food in Thailand is leagues better than anywhere else in the world. The spices, the fragrances, the variety of flavors. Your mouth dances with flavor when you eat here. There are dishes and styles in the country that you simply can’t get anywhere else.

All over the streets of Thailand, outdoor stalls serve up the cheapest and best meals you can find. You’ll be hunched over a bowl of noodles next to a little kid, office worker, and bank president. Street food in Thailand is the great equalizer and fundamental to Thai culture. And no matter what time of the day it is, there’s always food available somewhere.

Moreover, Thailand has world-class international food (and a few Michelin starred restaurants) thanks to the hordes of tourists and expats that come here. Some of my favorite sushi restaurants are in Bangkok, and you can find amazing halal and Indian food in the downtown Sukhumvit area.

Thailand is a foodie’s wet dream.

2. The warm weather

delicious street food in Bangkok, Thailanddelicious street food in Bangkok, Thailand
I love the sun a lot (much to my mother’s and my dermatologist’s dismay). I think after shoveling snow in Boston for the vast majority of my life, I gravitate to the sun because, in the tropics, there’s no snow. I love the heat, and the fact that it’s always hot and humid in Thailand appeals to me. It’s never “jacket” weather here.

(OK, that’s not entirely true. In January, I do wear a jacket. It gets pretty close to 20° C here. You can always tell the expats from the tourists in Bangkok because the expats are the ones wearing sweaters and jackets in January. I once had a friend visit me and I refused to turn on the A/C in my apartment. It was far too cold for that!)

3. The friendly locals

delicious street food in Bangkok, Thailanddelicious street food in Bangkok, Thailand
Thais are some of the nicest people I have ever met. They’re always happy, always smiling, extremely polite, and always helpful. They’ll help you out if you’re in trouble and help translate for you if you can’t speak Thai. They treat you well, and whenever I come back here, the local shop owners whose stores I frequent greet me with a warm smile and a big hug. Once a friend, always a friend. I always feel safe in Thailand. Thailand is one of the few countries I feel comfortable leaving my laptop out while I go to the bathroom.

4. It’s the perfect travel hub

Thailand is smack-dab in the middle of everything. It’s three hours to Hong Kong, two hours to Singapore, four hours to Bali, and half way between Australia and Europe. You can get to a lot of places easily from Thailand, which, for a traveler like myself, is really appealing.

5. The postcard-perfect tropical islands

delicious street food in Bangkok, Thailanddelicious street food in Bangkok, Thailand
I love the beach. I can sit on the sand and go for a swim for hours upon end. While Thailand has been developed for years and many of the best beaches have been ruined through uncontrolled development, you can still find some pristine, picture-perfect islands and beaches around the country.

I particularly love Ko Chang, Ko Kood, Surin Island, Ko Adang, and Ko Lanta. The best islands are down south near the Malaysian border. They all look like the above picture.

As long as you avoid the super touristy and overdeveloped beaches (and there are many), you’ll find the postcard perfect beaches you’ve already dreamed of!

6. The lush jungles

delicious street food in Bangkok, Thailanddelicious street food in Bangkok, Thailand
As much as I enjoy sitting on the beach, I also love to hike through jungles, and Thailand has some of the most beautiful and lush ones I’ve seen. From the jungles and elephants in Khao Yai National Park, to the famed lake of Khao Sok in the south, to the famous jungle and hill tribe treks near Chiang Mai, you can get your tropical jungle fix very easily here.

They may not be the wild and untamed jungles of some places in Borneo or the middle of Africa, but they still offer amazing views, dense forests, waterfalls to cool off in, and an interesting variety of wildlife.

7. The international environment

delicious street food in Bangkok, Thailanddelicious street food in Bangkok, Thailand
Thailand is a country where you can get as local or foreign as you like. Because of all the tourists and expats who live here, the country is very cosmopolitan and international. There are global food chains, international restaurants and stores, Starbucks, and Hollywood movies.

Thailand is a melting pot of people, and you’ll find people from around the world. I’ve made friends here from France, Germany, Argentina, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, and Israel, just to name a few.

8. The convenience

Thailand is convenient. Hungry at 3:30am? There’s someone around to sell you food. Need to take a bus to Vietnam? That can be easily arranged. Need to go shopping at some strange hour? There’s a store open. Pharmacy at 2am? Got that too. Thailand is just an easy place to live and move around in. And in Bangkok, you never have to wait for a taxi.

(HEY! Are you planning a trip to Thailand? Don’t forget to check out the book I wrote about the country. Click here to travel it like a pro!)

9. Bangkok

delicious street food in Bangkok, Thailanddelicious street food in Bangkok, Thailand
I hated Bangkok the first few times I traveled there. It wasn’t until I moved there that I fell in love with it. Bangkok, it turns out, is an easy city to live in. There’s lots to do, plenty of events, great bars, and amazing food (see above), and it’s easy to get around (except during rush hour). I love cities where there’s always something to do. No matter what time of the day or day of the week, you can always find something to do in Bangkok.

I began to love Bangkok when I got know it beyond the temples and the tourist trail. When I found hidden markets and amazing street stalls frequented only by locals, became friends with residents, and understood how it operated, I knew why people loved Bangkok so much.

Bangkok is not a city for tourists.

It’s for residents.

Take some time here and enjoy it!

10. It’s cheap!

Thailand is cheap to visit and cheap to live in. Yesterday, I spent $4 USD for all of my food for the day, including some drinks and snacks. Most food from the street vendors costs $1. I can get a private room for $10 USD per night or a bungalow in front of the beach for $15–20 USD. An apartment in downtown Bangkok costs $300 a month, and it’s still bigger than what I need. Thailand simply offers incredible value for your money.

A few years back, I was telling my friend that after a month bouncing around the islands, I had spent around 40,000 baht ($1,400 USD). He was shocked! “How the hell could you spend so much money in one month!” he exclaimed.

If you’re traveling here on a backpacker’s budget, you can get by for about $30 USD a day!

***When people ask me what my favorite country is, I always say Thailand. Though I wonder how you can pick a favorite country. Each one is amazing in its own right. No country is really better than another, just different. However, Thailand has a special place in my heart. We have a long history together. I’ll always return to this country.

When people ask me what my favorite country is, I always say Thailand. Though I wonder how you can pick a favorite country. Each one is amazing in its own right. No country is really better than another, just different. However, Thailand has a special place in my heart. We have a long history together. I’ll always return to this country.

If you’re looking to visit Thailand, here are some resources we have to help you:

Book Your Trip: Logistical Tips and Tricks

Book Your Flight
Find a cheap flight by using Skyscanner or Momondo. They are my two favorite search engines because they search websites and airlines around the globe so you always know no stone is left unturned.

Book Your Accommodation
You can book your hostel with Hostelworld. If you want to stay somewhere other than a hostel, use Booking.com as they consistently return the cheapest rates for guesthouses and cheap hotels. I use them all the time.

Don’t Forget Travel Insurance
Travel insurance will protect you against illness, injury, theft, and cancellations. It’s comprehensive protection in case anything goes wrong. I never go on a trip without it as I’ve had to use it many times in the past. I’ve been using World Nomads for ten years. My favorite companies that offer the best service and value are:

  • World Nomads (for everyone below 70)
  • Insure My Trip (for those over 70)

Looking for the best companies to save money with?
Check out my resource page for the best companies to use when you travel! I list all the ones I use to save money when I travel – and I think will help you too!

